TM 8/25/22b

So……………… seems the church has two options. Ask themselves: what is God doing in my life, in our church and it the world and how can I get invovled or it can do whatever it wants. And what churches these days seem to be doing is asking the question: how can we put on the best show for people to come and watch listen to, and how can we get those people to keeping coming for the show?

Problem is I can’t think of one church I have talked to that seems to be asking the first questions it seems to be always the latter. So is there any church out there that is asking that those questions that I can go to. The problem is also: the people I want to come to the church are the ones who are looking for God because if they want to go to the show then they go see a movie.


TM: 8/25/22

TM means to myself by the way. It’s what Marcus Aurelius titled the book he wrote now and I can’t remember what the other name for it is.

My higher power did some miracles. I worship in a way that I never did before. And I have more power and control now over a compulsive habit that I know now was running my life. Lately, I have been applying for a new position and gettting no where, I think. One church is supposed to get back to me but I haven’t heard from them.

I listen for him when I work on sermons and it is quite enjoyable. I need to say that because part of looking is sending sermons to churches and some have a listen and mark me off their list. I have RSD. Rejection sensitive dysforia. It is an adhd thing. So when a church says no there is that pain and I get angry and not sure where it goes from there. Definitely shame that brings up past experiences I think. This is hard shit to figure out. But past horrible experiences where I struggled to preach and one guy got all anxious about it and all he could do was be critical. A group was formed to help me. But it just made it worse. I think if they would have left me alone I might have been able to figure it out. All the attention to how I was performing made it horribly worse, maybe because of RSD. I don’t know. So I quit. I said fuck this fuck this fuck this. I”m done.

I tried other things. I got no where. God changed my heart and made me want to worship him again and tears come when I do. It still happens after four years and if it stops. I dont’ know what I will do. Probably want to crawl in a hole and die. He gives you something like that and the thought of not having it is just unthinkable. It is like when I started to feel his presence. It is a very subtle experience for me but real nonetheless and if that were to change it would be the same, unthinkable.

So when I wanted to worship again I did not immediately think, time to start being a pastor. I really had no reason to think preaching would be any different. But I did it a couple times and it was not amazing but it was not terrible either. I got called to a church and here I am. At first I was terrified. Preaching seemed to be going better but I was so so afraid to trust it. I just knew that the struggles from the past would start again. Over time it has gotten better. The church here has helped and not helped at the same time. They have been patient but they still not in every way but in some ways think of what I am doing as a performance. They hope really, that if I can to it good enough other people may show up.

Statistics say that 80% of people go to church for the sermon. I wonder how many of those want a good show or how many of those are God seekers and are looking for God. For me anyway. I do it because I believe that I hear something from God that helps me and want to share it with others. If I can stick to that I may be ok. The problem is to go somewhere else. I need to past the test of churches who are looking for the best speaker they can find. Maybe I am making this too big of a deal. Idk. Reality is I need to do my best to give the best delievery I can since that is what is expected I suppose.

I need to learn more about RSD. Maybe I take it too personally when someone says no. My coach says it says more about them than it does about me. I want to really believe that and it makes sense. I think churches are way too concerned about how a sermon is delivered instead of no matter who is talking to listen to a word from God. They say, fear of being judged is the reason why people get anxious about public speaking and it makes sense. I am being judged. And the reality is that when I listen to sermons I judge too, a handicap of being in the profession I guess.

What may help though, while I am distributing sermons and being judged by churches, what may help I hope is to remember why Ido it now why I do it. I do it to hear from God and to share what I hear with someone else so that maybe they can benefit in some way like I have from doing it.

I can think right now of how I have benefitted from this weeks sermon I am working on. The message to me is am I wanting to hear from God in my life verses just doing my own thing and not caring what God thinks, something like that anyway and some form of that is what I will say. I enjoy that part of it and I just don’t want that to get ruined by all this new judging and evaluating that is going on.

I”m going to share some of this with the church this Sunday, maybe what I will say may help someone stop coming in for the show when they worship. May it will help someone to come in with the question where is God when I worship. That is the question God’s people stopped asking in the OT and that is the question that so many churches are not asking today. They ask, how can the Sunday show be better and they ask what can we do to get more people to come to the show but where is God in my life, where is God in worship. What is God doing in this world and how can I get involved??? Not so much. Not so much and that among other things is the church’s problem if you ask me. Thanks for letting me share.


How To Manage Stress The Healthy Way — Shaping Prosperity

It is a proven fact that as humans, we need a certain amount of stress in our life to live – good stress if you will, something researchers call eustress. With stress defined as “anything that affects our homeostasis” (the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the world […]

How To Manage Stress The Healthy Way — Shaping Prosperity

it doesn’t matter

I feel drawn into the quiet this evening. Today I didn’t have much motivation to work so I started reading a book. His presence being subtle but real. The anxiety and the question dying down. I think this is my answer. I was told my solution is spiritual by a psychiatrist when in the hospital after I tried to go home. I think he’s right. I knew he was right but of course my mind needs to complicate things, think about them. This is as close to home as it gets for me and also the music that moves my heart. I need the confidence that this place is right around the corner not far. That in quietness and trust is my strength. I can’t really have the TV on for very long anyway. The simplicity of this has been hard to find and I am still finding. It’s nice to let the questions die down. He doesn’t give answers. And they come back but if he is the answer (such a cliche, I know) but if he is the answer maybe they will die down. Do I need therapy? Did I do the right thing quitting that job? What to do about medicine? They aren’t grabbing me. Who the fuck cares! lol. It doesn’t matter. That is what I heard him say, it doesn’t matter. I think it doesn’t matter will get bigger and the other stuff will get smaller until the other stuff is no more and all that’s left is it doesn’t matter.

Shalom ya’ll


TM 9/26/20

In quietness and trust is your strength. the prophet Isaiah

I believe that and it is time to put that more into practice. I moved several months ago and the time I was spending in the quiet got messed up. It’s time to change that. This will help me with the stress I think. I am considering ketamine therapy for depression. I am a little on the fence right now as I have and am going to make some changes that could make things better like the quiet. In the quiet I can hear things like this problem may be bigger that you but not bigger than Me. Alcohol was bigger than me but not bigger than my higher power I came to learn. Ketamine therapy is something to consider if you have tried a million things like me with partial results. It has a 70% success rate across the board. That is good for a depression intervention. It works quickly too. No waiting for a month to see if it is going to make a difference. Ketamine clinics are all over the place I am learning. One problem I am having is getting providers to give me their diagnostic code and the specific treatment I would be getting. That is what my insurance says that need to tell me if they will cover it and if it is approved they will reimburse at 80%. I was surprised they covered the treatment. But of course I expect things to be hard, learning to not do that as much. I could do it and then submit and hope they pay. I may have to take that chance. I don’t have 2500 sitting in the bank so I would have to get loans and put things on credit cards. That is what I am not sure I can afford to do as I have a truck on its last legs. But where there is a will there is a way so I will keep after it and start spending more time in the quiet in the mean time and no I don’t think I want to do that because of depression. I am closest to my higher power in the quiet and he is a source of strength I need right now. Don’t stop fighting depression warriors! For me I have to fight.

Shalom ya’ll,


I don’t always know…..

I don’t always know

what to do in and with this world

or in it

some things i need to learn i suppose

and to try not to get too anxious doing it

but my heart knows him

he gives my heart songs to sing

when I am getting anxious

don’t always know when it will sing

but it has for a couple years now

emotions come from another world

there’s nothing to say then

questions can wait for another time



Hey folks, its been a while since I have been on here.  I have moved to Louisiana and pastoring a small church there or here as the case may be.   So far so good.   There was some apprehension.   Will I have the same trouble I was having before with preaching.  So far I have not.   Did I say those words?   Yes I did.   So far it has been different and better.  I am still a little hesitant to embrace that truth as really being true.   For most of my career before it was a struggle then I decided to quit.   Now I am back.   Probably not the career path that most people take, but this has been my road, not an easy one, but it has been my road.

One thing has been troubling me lately.  I am single.  Do I look for a partner or not?   After reading a book almost two years ago my spiritual life changed for the better and in a way that I did not even know that it could.   I have written about that.   Almost two years later that reality is still real.   Some parts of it have changed.   There does not seem to be as strong of a sense of God’s presence like there seemed to be before but that may be moving that has unsettled me and maybe I am not quit settled yet.   Not sure.   But the change in personal worship has stuck.   Wanting to and being moved emotionally when I do.   I have a feeling that will be part of my life until I go to the next one and there worship in a way that what I know now will pale in comparison.   That is what I believe anyway.   Back to being single.  Is there room for someone else.   Maybe that is my question.  I have a feeling I am overthinking this but that is what I am doing.   Part of me would like that.  Living with narcissists is not like having a partner or a parent who know what real love is like other people do and that has been my experience so far.   Both parents and my one partner.   So having a partner who does would be nice.   Someone may say to me man you have to you have to.    My higher power is loving but it may help to have someone in my life with that kind of love with skin on.   I saw the movie the Aeronauts and I think that movie stirred this up in me.   The song at the end and all that.   I have a feeling that if someone comes along who I am attracted to or may want to get to know I may move in that direction.   I don’t have a sense that my higher power is forbidding it.  But not sure I am getting the green light either.   I have prayed, make that decision more clear.   Thanks for letting me share.


the impossible?

The Impossible?

When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable must be true.” quoted by Harlan Coben in Long Lost attributed to the Sherlock Holmes character.

About a year ago from this April I read the book, The Pursuit of God by AW Tozer. Towards the end of the book he describes a spiritual experience that he reports is available to whomever wants it. While I was reading the book something like what he described seemed to start happening with me to where after reading the book I did not want what he was describing because it seemed to have started already. While I was reading something was telling me, “you are about to get your answer what you have been looking for.” I didn’t know I was consciously looking for something but that is what I heard.

Afterwards and to this day I seem to be more aware of god’s presence in my life, in the quiet and at other times as well. To feel his presence has been a desire of mine for a long time. Also, afterwards and to this day I have wanted to listen to worship music.

I had not done that in a while before this happened and when I do often times I cry. The emotion is hard to describe. It must be what praise feels like and what people who worship feel when worship moves them to tears. In the book he did not say to expect anything like that to happen it just did.

Even though this change is impossible to deny at times I still have my doubts. But I came across this quote I quoted above and it helps. Besides saying that my higher power has changed my heart and that that change seems to be permanent I have really no other explanation for this. Someone could say it is some psychological thing from my unconscious but I really don’t buy that. I have to say that for me, even though my doubts want to say that this is highly improbable it is the only conclusion that makes sense to me.

I have struggled with, is god real for a long time. This for me is evidence for me anyway, that is indisputable. Tozer in the book said that that would be the case. That for him anyway this new way of knowing god put his doubts to rest. Are mine at rest? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that however crazy this sounds to my rational and scientific mind there is nothing scientific about it. Other than the fact that this phenomena for me is observable and has been reproduced for me I don’t know how many times since that time nor who knows how many times it will occur for me again.

This makes me GREATLY look forward to leading worship again. After this happened I did not think that it was time for me to go back to the church as a pastor and worship leader but circumstances seem to be leading me in that direction. I have tried a lot of other things that have not worked out. That’s all for now.

Shalom ya’ll,


for us

I have been thinking lately how that if there is anyone who is for us it is god.  The bible presents a god who deeply deeply cares for humanity and will spare no expense to communicate that care and love.  And I know lots of people who have left the church because of the perverted way that god was communicated to them while they were in church.  A judgmental god who is watching and looking for you to do something wrong so he can sentence you to an eternity of punishment.   How someone can look at the life and death and resurrection of Jesus and come up with that is beyond me but they do.   The whole purpose for his coming was to give to the world he loves, life and hope and peace and grace and joy.  He himself said he came to judge no one.  But he saw in the religious leaders evil and darkness and hardness of heart so he called that out.  He gave his life for us his very own life. His father struck his own son dead so that we could know him and love him and worship him for all of eternity. I have doubted god’s good will and have wondered does he really care. But for today on this day I think of the Bible as a record of god’s concern for us a record of his faithfulness to us even when we are not faithful to each other or to him. It is a relentless pursuit of humanity. Even in judgment his purpose is to bring us back to him. I am glad that things that are bad for me have their consequences that some of the things that I have wanted to satisfy me besides god have not done it. That I have known and know the pleasure of his company and will I believe forever. I hope I can keep this persective of god who is for me and the bible as a record of his desire to know the people he has created. Its all about us and his love for us.


HOw does something like Dorian happen in the world of a loving god?   No matter what they went through they always ended up praising him.  One guy burned at the stake foretold as he burned that someone would come after him they would not be able to shut up.   Beaten and thrown in prison they praised him that they could suffer for him on account of him.   For me he is not like anyone I have ever met.  I have felt his presence and it is not easy to describe.   Full not empty.   That is pretty much the best I can do.  I want to understand but I don’t.   There is a lot I don’t understand and haven’t wanted to accept and still believe in  Wonderful or Beyond Understanding.  That was what he called himself when Sampson’s parents met him.  Also a name given to god in Isaiah 9.   This is the name that works best for me:  beyond understanding.  It fits with my experience of him, not easy to describe.   I knew a guy in AA who is gone now.   That was what he thought too, someone I don’t really understand or can wrap my head around, but who I really cannot deny the existence of especially because of the changes that have taken place with me that have no other explanation.   I can’t wait to start being a pastor again.  Just thought I would add that.

Shalom ya’ll,
